MVP Crisis Program

Program Goals:

  1. Decreasing crisis episodes
  2. Avoid out of home placement
  3. Decrease the number of inappropriate hospitalizations
  4. Avoid disruption of family, foster home, or adoptive placements
  5. Prevent the need for long term services


  • Crisis deescalation and processing.
  • Emergency Respite: Crisis respite at the MVP facility for a period of three to seven days depending upon the circumstances.
  • Planned Respite: for children with behaviors too difficult for traditional respite providers.
  • Ongoing Crisis Services: 24 hour “on-call” crisis intervention for families of children with severe disorders.
  • Crisis Planning Services: MVP staff work with the natural helping systems to develop a pro-active plan to assist the family in times of crisis.

    How Does It Work?

    Joanie’s mother has severe medical problems. The family deals with ongoing financial strain. Joanie finds self-mutilation as an effective way to get attention. This behavior frightens the family and they are concerned about her safety. The family needs immediate relief and Joanie needs a safe place to process and develop safer strategies to gain attention.
    Doug is schizophrenic and has cyclical bouts with psychosis. He resides with his grandmother and the extended family is chaos driven. We have supervised Doug for periods of time when his family is in crisis and unable to meet his needs. Typically the chaos recedes in a few days.

    Why It Works

    MVP Crisis services are individualized to meet the needs of the child and family. The MVP staff have years of experience responding to children who are out of control in the home, school, or community. They are skilled at assessing and de-escalating children in crisis (behavioral, neurological, or environmental).